
Friday, June 16, 2023

Meet Saffron!

We have a NEW KITTY!

Hello! Jen here today and I'm excited to reveal the secret that has been scampering around NND Headquarters! We are excited to share that we have adopted a sweet kitty girl and named her Saffron! 

We adopted Saffron a little bit ago but wanted to give her and Marlowe a bit of time to get to know each other before we spread the news. 

I haven't talked about this before but I feel like now is the time to explain a bit. 

The Full Story
You might remember when we adopted Marlowe as a kitten along with his brother, Toulouse. Sadly, only two years later, we had the heartbreak of losing Toulouse last summer when he died from complications of the FeLV disease. This was heartbreaking for us and for Marlowe, who missed having a feline companion to play with. 

Unfortunately, Marlowe had a hard time adjusting to being an only kitty and it eventually became clear that he really needed another feline companion to chase and play with. The problem was, although he is currently healthy otherwise,  Marlowe also has FeLV. Because this virus is contagious to other kitties we needed to find another cat who also already had FeLV. 

What is FeLV?
FeLV stands for Feline Leukemia Virus. About 2-3% percent of cats have this virus and it is likely that Marlowe was born with it since he and his brother were both diagnosed. Sadly, there is no cure and the prognosis for cats with this diseases is a shortened lifespan. It could be as short as sweet Toulouse, who died at the age of two, but we are hopeful to hear of cases where cats do live longer lives despite the virus. 

For this reason we initially hesitated getting another kitty with the disease because we knew that meant we would be getting another kitty who might have a very short life. However, after some time we decided that it would be best for Marlowe to have a playmate and that if we understood the risks going into it, it would be a bit easier to accept if the pet had a shorter life. 

Once we decided to adopt a friend for Marlowe, it did take some time to find an available cat who had FeLV. Eventually, after months of searching local adoption and foster sites we came across Saffron! We fell in love with her sweet demeanor and playfulness right away. 

For Marlowe, it was a bit of a slower process. We took our time introducing the two kitties and kept Saffron separate from Marlowe for awhile. But, with some patience, they are now both freely interacting in our home and for the most part they are getting along quite nicely. 

Here's even a photo from a rare moment of them together on the couch:

That's the long story... but the short of it is that we absolutely adore our sweet new girl, Saffron. She is packed full of energy and loves to chase toys and run about the house! She's very talkative too and often meows for more attention. We hope with a little more time that the two of them will be even better friends!

Thanks for reading and stay tuned to our Newton's Nook Designs instagram account, where you will definitely find updates and photos of both kitties in the future! 


  1. What a bitter sweet story. Thanks for sharing and you are a blessing for Saffron, who was basically unadoptable. Both those precious kitties will be a blessing and joy to your home. ❤️

  2. This is such a sweet story, I think Toulouse found Saffron for you and Marlowe. Bless you for understanding FeLV and a kitties lifespan, even if short, is so worth saving and giving them the best life ever. She is a beauty and I hope that they both will be able to live longer lives. I know of a few cats that have lived for a longer life with the FeLV. Enjoy them, they are so precious.

  3. Fantastic! So happy for all of you! And yes, you are a blessing to both fur babies for loving them and raising them for as long as they are given life. That is sweet grace at work.

  4. So happy you found Saffron for Marlowe. All we can ever hope for in life is to be happy and make the most of it for as long as we have. Humans or fur babies! Enjoy them! =^..^=

  5. Thank you for giving a wonderful life to these beautiful fuzzballs.

  6. Congratulations!! How wonderful to rescue another kitty and a companion for your furbaby!

  7. I am so happy for all of you! Thanks for sharing your story and I can’t wait to see more of sweet Saffron. She is precious ❤️

  8. I'm so sorry about Toulouse. I am ecstatic you gave another kitty a loving home and a friend to Marlowe.

  9. Congrats on your new family member! Saffron is adorable! Glad Marlowe has a new companion and you have another kitty to snuggle and cuddle. Hope they have long live despite having FeLV! <3 Meredith

  10. What a beautiful story! I'm so happy you found a new kitty to love, and I hope she and Marlowe will become fast friends and enjoy long lives.
    We lost our beautiful kitty two months ago (She was only 2.5), and I miss having a feline companion to snuggle with. Hoping our hearts heal so that we can know that joy again. Hugs.

  11. Oh my what a journey it has been for you all. I wish long life for Marlowe and Saffron. And the best to you as well.

  12. Love your story and I understand your heartbreak. We only have 4 cats right now and one is 17 going on 18. Enjoy your babies, spoil them and love them everyday. None of us are guaranteed any time on this earth, but continue to share your life with your wonderful kitties.

  13. Congratulations on your new girl! You made the right decision. We have 4 kitties, one very elderly, two 4 years old and one that adopted us, maybe 3 years old. They are great company for each other and keep things hopping for us. We just love the energy they bring to our home. May your kitties have a happy and long life!

  14. I'm a cat person but never knew this illness. I would've been hesitant, too, if I were you. I had two cats who lived even shorter than 2 years, in my life. But finally Malowe has a company! yeah! I'm happy for all of you! <3 Mahalo for sharing the story!

  15. I had a sweet girl who had the same coloring as Saffron. She was such a sweetie! I’m so glad Marlowe has company and hope they get as close as my two ginger kitties. I have a male and female ginger kitties.

  16. Congratulations on Saffron joining your family. Hopefully she and Marlow will be the best of mates soon. A lovely story.

  17. Odd coincidence that you talk about FIV because just this past week I happened to see a beautiful three year old flame cat with blue eyes at our local Petsmart. From the sign telling about him it said that he had FIV but was extremely gentle. He looked to me like a Ragdoll mix. I have a healthy 17 year old flame that looks very similar to him and would have loved to take him but I could not risk it with my elderly boy. This adorable kitty talked to me the whole time I was by his cage and then when I left for a few minutes and returned he was watching me from a distance as I walked down the aisle towards him. My heart was breaking; if he was healthy I would have taken him in a second but I just couldn't risk it with my old guy. You are beyond wonderful for giving FIV kitties a home. For the record, no cat is guaranteed to live a long time; I've lost cats without FIV to other diseases at young ages. You are a special angel for giving these cats your love and a home to call their own.

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss of Turlouse... I can only imagine your pain. You should be happy in knowing that although he only had two years, he had two great and happy years with you.
    When God closes one door, He opens another, and after reading this story, I'm sure He did as Marlowe and Saffron are the results. I hope you have a tremendous and happy life together enjoying each other's company. Y'all are in my Prayers.

  19. So glad you found Saffron! She is darling and hopefully with time Marlowe and her will be best buddies. Regardless of how long they live, they are blessed to spend their lives with you.

  20. What a wonderful outcome for all involved, especially after your earlier heartbreak. Enjoy your kitties and thank you for saving them both!

  21. She reminds me so much of a kitty we had long ago. Same coloring. We had 10 cats so my husband named her Evelyn.

  22. I've been involved with animal rescue for years and know how difficult it is to place a cat with FeLV - so thank you! Saffron is adorable and I'm happy Marlowe has a new companion.

  23. Thank you so much for adopting another kitty with FeLV. I volunteer at a shelter and we know how hard it is to place the sweet babies who have this disease. We had a pregnant cat come in about a year ago, she tested positive and the babies are positive, too! They are all such sweethearts and have a home at our shelter for as long as they need us.

  24. Congratulations on your new Kitty! It is so touching to hear your story. I know these sweet babies will have a wonderful life with you!

  25. Congrats that is wonderful!! They sure do like having a companion that is for sure :)


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