
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Design Team Reveal - Day 2!

Are you ready for the next two fabulous Design Team Members?  Today I'm sharing two more FANTASTIC designers who will be creating projects for Newton's Nook Designs!   I am so excited to see what they create. Check out their info and make sure to visit their blogs to see all their creative work!

Samantha Mann

Hi, I'm Samantha Mann and I couldn't be happier to be part of this team! My husband and I have lived all over the US, from Washington State to Florida, but we're currently in hot, humid, coastal South Carolina! We have two little boys (who I usually call my little menn)! I have always been in love with school supplies (ever since elementary school when i would save my nickels to buy cute pencils or erasers!) and that love just grew and developed into my crazy obsession (read: passion!) of paper crafting! I love making cards and even dabble with the occasional scrapbook layout! I tend to lean towards clean and simple design, but not always! I am all about learning new techniques from fellow crafters! I'm definitely quirky, and love to make playful, humorous sentiments for my cards (and layouts!)! I work full time for an advertising company and spend every other moment I can paper crafting, reading and enjoying the little moments in everyday family life.

Jocelyn Olson
My husband, two sweet kids and I live in South Dakota. I grew up in the Phoenix suburbs, but since high school, I’ve lived all over the country. I’m an avid papercrafter, bright color lover, digi chick, Brady  Bunch watcher, non-fiction book reader, and expert Polly Pockets dresser. In my spare time, I work as a freelance consultant for state and Federal education and special education programs. I am also on the CAS-ual Fridays and Paper Smooches SPARKS Design Teams, and I have been fortunate enough to have been published in Paper Crafts Magazine and CARDS Magazine. I’m thrilled to be joining the Newton’s Nook team! I love the whimsy of the stamp designs.

Aren't they awesome? Come back tomorrow for to meet the last of the Design Team!


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